sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

"Sway" - MOVIE: "The Wedding Date"

MOVIE: "The Wedding Date" (El día de la boda) (2005)
SONG "Sway"
SINGER: Michael Bublé.
ACTIVITIES: Learn some vocabulary. Watch the video with embedded lyrics in English.

Preliminary notes:
Let's consider a few things before you watch the video:
1) Concerning the vocabulary, note that  there are several adjectives (close, tight, lazy, weak, etc).
2) As regards structure, you'll see several sentences in the imperative mood ("Hold me ...", "Stay with me", etc)
3) Now have a look at this glossary of terms which may be new to you:

Bend:                 doblar(se), torcer(se), inclinar(se).
Hold me close:  abrázame.
Hug:                   abrazar.
Lazy:                  perezoso.
Shore:                costa, orilla.
Smooth            suave, con suavidad, liso.
Sway:                 balancearse, mecerse. Sway me: balancéame.
Thrill:                estremecer, conmover.
Weak:                débil.
With ease:         con facilidad.
On the floor    en la pista (de baile)
I go Peak:          me vuelvo débil.
Stay with me   quédate conmigo.

4) I suggest you watch Bublé's video first (English subtitles)
5) Finally, just watch and listen to the video showing scenes from the movie.

Clip: Michael Bublé. W/Lyrics.

Now ... KARAOKE! You can try  here

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